Work on entire body
Tandem Strength & Balance staff can work on everything/anything that our clients need. There is no limitation to work on just one specific joint – in Medicare Physical Therapy, there are limitations. If a client is having a new issue, it can be addressed immediately which not only allows it to be fixed quickly, but stops it from progressing to something more complicated.
Emphasize Leg Strengthening Increasing/maintaining leg strength is truly the key to Tandem’s success. The science behind the relationship between leg strength and mobility drives the physical therapists to ensure all clients are working on leg strength in the most effective way.
Challenging Clients This is the most fun part of Tandem Strength & Balance. Challenging the clients to do things they never thought they could do allows them to experience great satisfaction in their accomplishments. The staff never stops challenging them and that is why the client continues to improve/maintain their mobility.
Our staff works for the client/family Every month our staff calls the client’s family and continues explaining/educating as to what has occurred with their loved one in the last 30 days. This transparent communication allows everyone to share concerns, goals and wishes. The trust that is built between all parties is important because it keeps everyone on the same page with the needed steps to accomplish those concerns, goals and wishes.
Same therapist Consistency breeds trust. Trust inspires the clients to work harder for the therapists. Having the same physical therapist working with your loved one is very important. It aides the therapists in identifying issues quickly and provides expediency in notifying the family of any needs.
“Everyone can get better, no matter their age or diagnosis”
is Tandem Strength & Balance’s motto and we aspire to prove it every day.