Why Fall Prevention Is Crucial for Seniors

Falls are the primary cause of fatal and non-fatal injuries in elderly adults, and can significantly alter a person’s ability to live life actively and independently. In fact, 50% of older adults tend to limit or exclude their social and physical activities due to their fear of falling. Fortunately, there is hope for those who are at risk. Fall prevention efforts through the regaining of leg strength and balance allow older adults to maintain a higher quality of life by moving safely, overcoming strength and balance deficits and boosting confidence.

Falls are not caused by aging. About 25% of all Americans, 65+, experience a fall every year. And 1 in 5 of those falls cause serious injury. Studies have shown that a typical 70-year-old woman could have 50-70% less strength than when she was 30. It’s the steady decline of strength that leads to increased risk of falls, decreased endurance, difficulty getting off of chairs and walking up steps, the need of a walker for stability and ultimately, if left unchallenged, the need to move from your home due to unsafe mobility.

At Tandem Strength & Balance, we recognize that functional leg strength is key to living the life you want to live. Our private-pay, physical therapists custom design leg-strengthening exercises and strategies to enhance balance and strength, lowering the risk for falls. We earn the trust of a loved one, instill self-confidence and create an ongoing, challenging atmosphere that causes the loved one to experience great satisfaction in accomplishing independence and safe mobility.

Fall and injury prevention is the perfect way to improve one’s level of activity. If your aging loved one is believed to be at risk for falling or has suffered from previous falls, our strength and balance program can be the solution you’ve been searching for. Our in-home service helps aging loved ones maintain their independence and stay engaged in life.

Related Information:

Custom In-Home Fall Prevention Service for Seniors

We are committed to helping elderly adults in the Twin Cities live active lifestyles. Serving the Minneapolis/St. Paul area, our custom fall prevention programs enable independence, which increases self-worth and overall quality of life. Contact us today to schedule your free consultation or to learn how we can help your aging loved one regain strength and improve their balance. We look forwarding to working with you!


Everyone starts to lose strength within 3-5 days after strength training has stopped. So many older adults can not afford to lose any strength because they are just getting by.


As physical therapists, we continue to challenge all of our clients in a way that caregivers and families can’t. We address the root cause of their mobility issues and help older adults build strength so they can enjoy their independence and keep living costs lower.

Inspiring Seniors to be Stronger...Longer!

We help people to understand why they are struggling
and what steps can be taken to make life better.
Free In-Home Consultation