Senior Service

Engaging in Elderly Strength Training and Shifting Funds Away From Assisted-Living Costs

By Nicole R December 26 September 9th, 2019 No Comments

One Families Story

In 2005, it became obvious that my dad required more physical assistance than my mom was able to provide, and our family began having conversations with his doctor, Medicaid and Social Services about his care. It was recommended that he become a resident of their local assisted-living care center. My dad moved into that facility, missing his home, his wife and his dog every day.


The Finance DiscussionTheir bank account was charged $6,500-$7,900/monthly, until it got to the point that my mom needed the balance of their funds for her livelihood (Spousal Impoverishment Protection). When she dies and if there are remaining funds, the balance will be garnished by Medicaid for the balance owing on my dad’s care. I have no quarrel with that. What saddened me was that they were so unhappy being apart and that it was not how they had envisioned spending their hard-earned money in their later years.

This is a typical scenario for the quality of life and the cost of living for aging seniors. After years of living together, one is moved into an assisted-living facility wishing he or she were home with their loved one. The cost can be devastating and no one is happy with the situation. Thankfully, there is a senior alternative that many of us are not aware of.

A Daughters Perspective

I would like to share what I have learned during the last decade that may prove helpful to you when and if you reach this point with your parents. Hiring skilled, physical therapists, such as Tandem Strength & Balance, to build and maintain adequate leg strength will provide such a higher quality of life for your parents and a much more fulfilling way for your parents to spend their money. The emotional returns are incredible: mom and dad get to stay at home with each other, enjoying their independence and time with friends, family and pets in a place they love.

The reality of the situation:

for ONE month’s cost at an assisted-living facility, your mom or dad could be receiving in-home physical therapy or senior rehabilitation, building and maintaining functional leg strength for nearly an entire year. I wish I would have known the importance of building and maintaining adequate leg strength for my dad. The happy outcome: my mom is benefiting from senior strength training and at 90 years-of-age, she enjoys living independently in her home, is able to get in and out of her car, attends church and visits with her friends to play cards and have coffee on a daily basis. It’s a good life.

Connie K, Mpls.

Project your mom and dad’s future living costs by taking this quiz

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