If you or a loved one suffers from incontinence, you are not alone! According to the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases, more than 13 million people in the United States have urinary incontinence. It can occur in men too, but occurs twice as often in women due to life conditions such as pregnancy, childbirth and menopause. Aging and prostate problems may cause urinary incontinence in men. [1] It’s clear that incontinence can affect overall quality of life. But the good news is incontinence is not a disease but rather a symptom caused by various reasons ranging from physical conditions to daily habits.
The Physical and Emotional Impact
Many individuals with incontinence are in fear of laughing, coughing or sneezing and/or embarrassed by having to run to the bathroom, or live in fear of not getting to the bathroom in time. They begin to lead less engaged and more sedentary lifestyles. Unfortunately, sedentary lifestyles create other health issues, such as osteoporosis, hypertension and coronary heart disease. Here are some practical solutions for making life better while living with incontinence:
- Avoid drinking caffeinated coffee, tea, and sodas, which may increase urination. But don’t limit water. [2]
- Make sure regular bathroom breaks are taken.
- Avoid spicy foods. It can irritate the bladder and create “urge” incontinence.
- Avoid high-acid foods. Cranberry juice, orange juice and other citrus beverages can also cause irritation and trigger incontinence issues.
- Keep pathways clear and the bathroom clutter-free, with a light on at all times.
- Strengthen core muscles; it will help to minimize accidents related to incontinence.
- Strengthen lower body and leg muscles; it will aid a person to move about quickly, confidently and safely making it possible to get to the bathroom in time.
Many of us are aware that urinary incontinence can be addressed through pelvic floor training. However, what’s not as widely known are the benefits of strengthening the lower body, especially the legs and glutes (buttocks), which have been observed to improve urinary incontinence significantly. Exercises that build glutes and hamstrings are essential to overall pelvic floor health. Building lower body muscle strength will significantly minimize accidents related to incontinence.
Individuals living with incontinence may not have the knowledge needed to start effective strength-resistance exercise programs. Our private pay, in-home physical therapists are skilled in customizing exercise programs and effectively engaging our clients in the comfort of their own homes. Through our customized exercise solutions, we help elderly individuals to regain their strength and live active and engaged lives.
Private-Pay Physical Therapy Service
Tandem Strength & Balance, a team of licensed physical therapists with a proven track record of 20+ years, offers proprietary, strength-resistance exercises that target the specific needs of the individual. We help people to recognize why they are struggling and what exercises can be performed to improve their lives.
If you would like to schedule a free in-home consultation to learn what steps can be taken to bring joy back into your life, contact Tandem Strength & Balance online or by phone at 763.746.3222.
Everyone starts to lose strength within 3-5 days after strength training has stopped. So many older adults can not afford to lose any strength because they are just getting by.
As physical therapists, we continue to challenge all of our clients in a way that caregivers and families can’t. We address the root cause of their mobility issues and help older adults build strength so they can enjoy their independence and keep living costs lower.